How we can support you
We provide support to Aboriginal women and children in the community experiencing domestic or family violence through our various Aboriginal Women’s Outreach Services within the Inner West Region of Sydney.
Apprehended Violence Orders
Family Law
Mental Health Services
Financial management
Counselling services
Referral to crisis accomodation services
Women’s Health & Aboriginal Health Services
Aboriginal Women’s Legal Services/Legal Aid
Culturally appropriate social groups
Home visits where appropriate
Community Outreach Hubs

What is Domestic and Family Violence?
Domestic and Family Violence refers to violence, intimidation and coercion most commonly perpetrated by a current or previous intimate partner (including same-sex partners), but also including violence perpetrated between family members, housemates or adult children. Family relationships include people who are related to one another through blood, marriage or de facto partnerships, adoption and fostering relationships. They include the full range of kinship ties in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, extended family relationships, and constructs of family within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer (LGBTIQ) communities.
Domestic and Family Violence can involve behaviour that makes you feel scared, involves threats to you or your children. It stops you living the life you want and may force you to do things or act in ways you don’t want to.
It is not always physical, violent behaviour can include:
- Psychological or emotional violence / Cohersive abuse
- Sexual violence
- Financial abuse
- Physical abuse
- Stalking behaviours
- Online abuse
It can happen in any relationship, or environment whether inside or outside of the home. Including with:
- Current or ex partners.
- Parents, guardians, or other family members.
- Community
- Workplaces
- Online